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17 " screens


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LG are good for the price at the mo, but it all depends on what outputs you have from your G5 and what conditions you'll be using and how much cash you have.


However, I don't think you're likely to get a response as this isn't really a theatre related question. I expect Bryson will turn up shortly with his fancy new stamp...

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I just bought 4 x relisys 17" screens from Misco for £125 ea. These are to use with our lighting desks, so may not be high spec enough for AV work, but Misco definitely had the edge on price, and a large range of screens on ofer, so worth a look.
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However, I don't think you're likely to get a response as this isn't really a theatre related question. I expect Bryson will turn up shortly with his fancy new stamp...


You called?





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