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Pearl Help


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Hi all,


I am currently trying to "learn" the Avolites Pearl (via the simulator and visualiser). I have been (fairly successfully) working through the manual, but something has now gone wrong. I had been setting up a pallette, with some mac 600's patched in. All seemed fine until I pressed clear and exit to get back to the 'main screen' and I try to select the fixtures to do something else. At this point no fixtures will select (i.e. the red light come on).


I feel that I may be stuck in some pallette programming/replay area and can't get out of it....


I am on the right fixture page - indeed, it won't let me change that from Page 0 either.


Any help would be most appreciated, but any amount of 'clearing' or 'exiting' doesn't seem to be doing the trick! It's probably very simple - but I don't think I have quite got the hang of palettes yet!


Thanks in advance,



P.S. Whilst I'm at it... in the manual it shows screenshots of the LCD with palette names as red, blue etc., but I only get page 1, palette 1 - for example. Does one have to manually program in the names? Or have I just chosen an obscure fixture (Martin Mac 600 Mode 4)

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You haven't jumped into 'run' mode, have you?

No, still in program. If I go to run, then I seem to be able to flash the palette I was just playing with using the grey buttons below the handles (if that helps).




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It is possible you have hit a bug with the simulator. I am having a play around, but can't make this happen. It has its problems!


You could try pressing the [Focus] menu button.


Can you describe in as much detail as possible exactly how you were editing and storing the palette before the problem?

I am confused why you would have been in a different screen and pressing [exit] to return to main. I am wondering if you were trying to use 'Store Palette' whilst in the Focus(Palette) menu, which is not possible.


Under normal conditions the only menu that you cannot return from by pressing [exit] is the 'channel' menu.

Menus that will normally prohibit Fixture Page selection are: Include, Connect and Shift.


Legending functions are accessed from the 'Shift' menu, Softbutton G/'Set Legend'. From here you can select what legends you want to alter- ie. Pages (shown at top of LCD screen), Palettes/Palette Pages, Groups/Group Pages and Chase Steps.

You can use either normal keyboard or preset add/swop buttons to enter, but annoyingly it only shows in VDU and not on LCD when typing.

You can also legend the playbacks themselves by pressing the relevant 'swop' button when in the 'set legend' menu, although these will only ever be viewable through the VDU.



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Thanks Nic - helpful post.


I don't think the LEDs were in Mimic as I changed that to see.


Having now restarted the simulator, and trying again with the palette programming, it seems to be working as it should. I have a feeling that I may have pressed 'Dimmer' in the wrong place in the programming sequence; or I may not have had only one fixture selected when storing the palette.


Anyhow, all seems OK now. I'll post my next problem here when I get to it....(!)


Thanks again,


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