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Where did people train?


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Did a very academic-focussed theatre-studies and English degree in Glasgow, which thankfully required little enough of my time to allow me to do a stack of non-course student drama. Did have a fantastic mentor in the university's technician, though, who was partly responsible for my decision not to spend an extra year consolidating an honours degree, but to head off to drama school with an ordinary (funny Scottish FE system - at the end of yr2 you elect to do an extra year for an ordinary or an extra two for honours (grades permitting). Either way, the degree at the end of it is called an MA, not a BA. Go figure...).

A year doing the Postgraduate Stage Management course at Welsh College of Music & Drama (before a) it's Royal status was granted, and b) it grew into a College the size of a small city!), then the big wide world. WCMD gave me the chance to focus on stage management, but still keep a hand in things with plugs on. This has led me largely down the route of small-scale stage management, or running small venues, where I get to change hats, or wear them all at once. It's been a blast.

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then Newcastle College and theatre till I got some experience


I was at Newcastle College 1997-1999. At Waterloo House and the John Marley Centre I think it was called. The course started life as BTEC Entertainment Industries Technical Training but ended up as BTEC Stagecraft, with a bizarrely large element of sound recording, production and music tech. Went there mainly as a way to get into university, but it was interesting two years.


I was there 93-95 at Waterloo House but now live not far from where you are from Rugby Tech in Coventry :D :) :)

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I did C&G 1810 at Paddington green in 1998-1999 is there anyone else on the forum there that year? would always love to get in touch with the guys on the course.




Maybe we should start a thread for ex Paddingtons. I was there 83-84 based at Saltram Crescent. Really enjoyed it:)

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