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Missing Manuals


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You have a point you would have to pay for the manual.


I could see it being illegal if I was copying them and trying to charge for something that is not mine but surely if it is free to download then there is no problem !!


So which do you propose?


I was mearly answering Pauls question on that exact manual strandarchive are charging for it !!


I on the other hand am proposing a free solution !!


putting an mp3 on your drive isn't illegal. Passing it on for free to somebody else is, profit doesn't come into it. Some manufacturers will not care at all, and probably be happy - others not so. The example I gave of Futurelight is typical - they think it important enough to put on the fronty cover - an emailed or downloaded pdf is acopy? Sony Broadcast, don't have a warning in their manual of any kind that I can find - this in itself still isn't an authority to do it.


Still seems an awful lot of work, for no real thanks.

I was mearly answering Pauls question on that exact manual strandarchive are charging for it !!


I on the other hand am proposing a free solution !!


Or to put it another way - the way that their lawyer may see it, you are ripping them off.......by selling a copy (all be it a digital copy) of a copyrighted publication for which a charge is normally levied.


AFAIK, you are allowed 3 copies of music etc - one on original CD, one on PC and one on compliation CD but this applies to AV only - for paper copies you must pay for every copy, and Copyright rules say you can make a legal copy of 10% or 1 chapter of a publication, which ever is the smaller. Anything more is illegal, and there are normally large notices next to photocopiers in Libraries etc reminding you of this.


This is not to say that if you hold a paper copy and a digital copy of manuals for equipment you actually own that you would be in trouble - ie you could carry all your manauals on CD / PDA / Laptop for when in a venue, leaving the originals at base.




I didnt want this to turn into a legality debate. As I plan to contact all the manufacturers before I set about donig this.


I just wanted to know if something like this would be useful.


Check out www.moving-lights.com Ross has put together loads of manuals (except the Celco baby grrrr!) for both desks and movers. It is by no means complete but its not that often I'm using a desk / fixture that isn't on there.




Just had a thought 3GUK why not do a website full of links to other websites with the information users want. Want a chat / advice try the blue room, looking for a programmer? you'll want red monkey, moving light manual? check moving-lights.com




Hang about Piers has already beaten you to that one.


I'll shut up now. :angry:


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