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Sensor Dimming Racks


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Hi All,


I am designing a show at the moment that will be going into a venue with a load of brand new ETC Sensor Dimming (258 ways, installation racks). Now having talked to the Chief LX down there it seems the only way to do things like change their dimming law to switchable power, soft patch etc. is from a laptop with the ETC software on. Is this true?? I can't find much on the ETC website so just want to know how the system works generally, where I can get hold of the software (and will it work on my Mac?) and how it connects with the dimmers (I think it is via normal Cat5 cable although I am not entirely sure).


Many Thanks,



IIRC the newest version of the sensors have a web server built in, meaning you can log on from any internet enabled machine and change the config there. Interesting concept.

Sound interesting, especially if you have a fault half way through the show you could log on and look at the fault. Probably also useful for people at the ETC support office to be able to log into your dimmers and look at the error message etc.




They should have the communication rack built into them, which has a small LCD screen and a keypad etc. You can use this to change a variety of settings on each dimmer, one of which is the curves.


If they have an ETC desk (and again I presume you mean the Hipp here) then you can ETC Link to the dimmers from the desk and see what each dimmer is doing before you go up/down to the room. However as a previous post has said they have a 520i, this isn't going to be an option.


Whatever software you get hold of is unlikely to be a Mac version - not seen anything Mac based yet from ETC.


Sam, if you have any more questions PM me as I'm a Sensor user but too tired to think about it all properly now.





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