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Quick connect/disconnect for clamps on fixtures


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Years ago I made some cases out of 9mm ply and extrusion from Adam Hall. We also bought a fabric that covered the cases.

From memory, the fabric added 0.5 mm but you could potentially do without and use builder’s adhesive as a gap filler?

That way you’re just importing aluminium extrusion and some pop rivets

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12 hours ago, partyanimallighting said:

A quick Google search revealed this. This will work fine at 10MM threading but I can't seem to find the other half of the connector online. I'm assuming it's something identical to this with a wing nut on the side.

Lots of variety for tv spigots. These are a bit expensive, but will give you an idea of options https://www.google.com/search?q=doughty+tv+spigot&rlz=1C1EODB_enGB562GB562&oq=doughty+tv+spigot&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQIRigATIHCAIQIRigAdIBCTg2MDNqMGoxNagCCLACAQ&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

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For a unit that small and light, and ease, Maybe a superclamp is the winner, all the same tv spigot , all will fit (or should fit) in a case. and you can then have a box of superclamps for hanging. For our smaller "throw some lights up" superclamps were great for speed and ease .   also handy for surfaces where pipe is not there

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1 hour ago, J Pearce said:

I would recommend Doughty Supaclamps too - and they have the advantage of clamping to various sizes and shapes. They do a M10 stud that locks into the clamp to provide solid rotational locking.

The Supaclamps have a maximum width of 50MM and the marquee tent poles are +70MM so these will not work. The issue is not really the clamp as such. The issue is to source a suitable quick connect to use with the existing clamps that I have in stock, which open to +70MM. Because of the diameter of these clamps (38MM) the flight case lid cannot close unless I juggle around the fixtures inside. The best option so far is the Terralec or Rhino Quick Clamp adapter or a suitable TV spigot. That way I can just toss each individual clamp into each section of the case and connect quickly to the fixture as needed.

CLAMP 70MM 001.jpg

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40 minutes ago, sunray said:

Yes. I've sourced a few CNC manufacturers on AliBaba who will fabricate a few samples of my design which will use a similar type of locking pin, the push button type. I've also found a supplier of TV/camera spigots and receivers and I may try a few samples of these also. The Global Truss Quick Snap seems to be the most bang for the buck, small in size and very low profile but I can't seem to find pricing on these online on this side of the Atlantic, even though they have distributorship in the U.S.A. So I do actually have some options available. The Farralane and Rhino adapters are another option but, again, can't find them on this side of the "pond" for some reason. Is it possible that these quick release adapters, apparently easily available in the UK, are not permitted for use on the US market?


Other Type 3D 002.jpg

Locking Pin 001.jpg



QUICK CONNECT Global Truss Mini Snap Connector 001.jpg

QUICK CONNECT Global Truss Mini Snap Connector 002.jpg

QUICK CONNECT Global Truss Multi TV Spigot Ø 28MM & 16MM.jpg

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So you rejected the suggestion of extending the flight cases slightly because of the inconvenience of drilling out a few rivets and perceived huge cost complications of importing a Jiffy bag of wood and precut aluminium extrusion into the island but you’re now looking at global prototyping, having custom parts cnc’d & shipped to you along with a variety of highly specialists and expensive spigots and release pins?

You still sure you’re not massively over complicating this for the sake of it?

Edited by ImagineerTom
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7 minutes ago, ImagineerTom said:

So you rejected the suggestion of extending the flight cases slightly because of the inconvenience and huge cost complications of importing a Jiffy bag of wood and precut aluminium extrusion into the island but you’re now looking at having custom parts cnc’d & shipped to you along with a variety of highly specialists and expensive spigots and release pins?

You still sure you’re not massively over complicating this for the sake of it?

Extending the flight cases will be only a one shot deal for those LED PARs (plus the thought of drilling out and pulling new rivets 😐). The quick release design I can use on lots of other units and lots of other applications. It may seem (or is) hard-headed, but if the design works I may actually be able to offer these to other companies locally. And the initial sample costs for the machining is around USD6.00 per sample @ 6 samples for testing and these samples will ride along in the next shipment leaving China in a couple week's time so......the spigots and receivers seems to have hit a dead end as what I can source may not suit my needs. Call me stubborn.......

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We have this problem with some and we buy some space by fitting the clamp to the lower yoke (the inner one of the two of the floor stand, which it looks like you have?

The outer yoke gets in the way a bit but you we live with it.....

The super clamp above, the 55mm clamp is quick release from the gold spigot (pictured also) so you'd only leave the gold bit on the folding adaptor (or without the folding adaptor if it would fit without?) and take the clamp off

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24 minutes ago, TomHoward said:

We have this problem with some and we buy some space by fitting the clamp to the lower yoke (the inner one of the two of the floor stand, which it looks like you have?

The outer yoke gets in the way a bit but you we live with it.....

The super clamp above, the 55mm clamp is quick release from the gold spigot (pictured also) so you'd only leave the gold bit on the folding adaptor (or without the folding adaptor if it would fit without?) and take the clamp off

I did not think of that and that would buy some much needed millimeters and as you said, I'll have to live with the outer yoke getting in the way. The Supaclamps aren't an option as I need something that can fit poles up to 70MM and I am vigorously pursuing my quick release design. I've found a CNC machine shop on AliBaba and they're in the process of working up 6 samples for me to test (much to the dismay of everyone here who wanted me to modify the flight cases 😁😁). The initial cost for one sample (stainless steel) is less that USD8.00 and if the design works and I order more, say 50 pieces, the price drops significantly. It may well be worth it.



Edited by partyanimallighting
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