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The case of the vanishing projector…

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Ok, first up: I’m a theatre guy, not an AV guy and beyond setting up simple projector systems, I’ve not had much to do with them and don’t really have a grasp on the workings of visual media devices, so this may be a dumb question requiring a dumb answer. 

just started working at a venue. We have a Mac mini running Qlab 4 connected to a Panasonic projector via usb c - hdmi adaptor, then hdmi to projector. The distance from Mac to projector is about 5m

ran a film screening with this setup a few days ago with no issues. today, took it all down to clean and dust and put it back together in the same way. Qlab is now still listing the projector in its video outputs but insisting it is disconnected. The Mac display prefs also list it, but will not output to it. 

All connections are clean and secure and the projector is set to hdmi input. I’ve switched the cable (twice), switched the adaptor and tried all output ports on the Mac. Shut it all off and restarted, in various orders but to no avail. 

I don’t see that it can be a hardware issue - is there a patch thing I’m not aware of? 

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Does the projector show up in display settings? QLab remembers the name of the output so listing has nothing to do with it being connected. I forget with QLab 4, as 5 is quite different, but is there any new output device listed. I had a system that output via a USB C to hdmi adapter that changed name nearly every reboot.

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It does show up, but when selected nothing changes - the display remains on the Mac’s monitor and nothing is sent to the projector.

interesting point about Qlab - I didn’t realise it would only remember the name and not the patch

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You say that the projector appears in the Mac Mini's own display preferences, but not outputting to it? So it's not "mirroring" or "extending" the desktop (or whatever terms Apple chose for those concepts)?


in QLab, how are the Video Surfaces set up? Presuming that you have an entry in the relevant part of the workspace settings, but what "Screens" are assigned to the Surface (viewable if you press "Edit" to open the Video Surface Editor)?

Edited by mnorwood
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As above, mirroring needs to be on, or an HDMI splitter .

test that with a monitor

Sometimes the order needs to be tweaked so the projector “finds” the computer or vice versa.

One place I worked, “out of range” came up frequently with much plugging and unplugging to get the signal back.

How long is the HDMI? I think the official spec is only for 15m?

you might need hdmi over CAT or HD-SDI

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Okay here’s where I’m at with this. 

it seems the issue lies with the projector rather than at the Mac end. When connected to the Mac the Mac recognises there is another display available (options for mirroring and extended mode appear), but there is no image from the projector. If I replace the projector with a second monitor, it shows up and performs as you’d expect, so I’m confident the Mac is indeed sending information to the projector. I’ve swapped out both the hdmi cable and adaptor goi g to the proj, as well as going straight from the Mac’s dedicated hdmi out (rather than a usbc adaptor). Still no luck. I’ve tried connecting the proj to a windows laptop via hdmi. Still no dice. I’ve tried putting an hdmi repeater in the chain. No improvement. 

I don’t have the equipment in stock to try with VGA or SDI so haven't explored those routes. 

any ideas welcome. Pulling my hair out ever so slightly as I have film screening booked in the day after tomorrow 

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