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Programming old Strand 200 desk.


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As a new lighting man - sometimes on, sometimes off, to fit in with Society needs - I am struggling to make sense of the early model Strand 200 lighting desk manual. The language used in the manual is not very clear to my way of thinking. DOES ANYONE know of a YouTube or other film demonstrating just how to RECORD and RECOVER (use) a sequence. When the actual production is due, I will have very little time indeed to prepare the actual plot, equipment access being allowed at 'last minute' only, and need to learn to use the desk efficiently if possible beforehand. Any help would be gratefully received.



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Whilst not a youtube specialist, I can lay out some helpful tips and workthroughs for using a strand 200.


I will try to explain how I use the desk to help you out.


I am not sure where you stand with the information so apologies if I am teaching you how to suck eggs but you sound frustrated.




There are two types of 200's. Both are pretty identical in terms of use and only differ in their fader/channel count size.


I have used a Strand 200 for over 15 years and I have never connected a monitor to the desk. You do not need one to operate it.



Clear out the desk:


-There are 3 buttons directly under the small LCD screen on the right hand side of the desk. These 3 buttons correspond to the the menu items directly above them; follow the lines. They are noted F1 - F2 - F3.

- As a rule, the F1 button is always an escape or move back up a level.

- The F buttons change functions dependent on the menu you are in.


The normal "Live" view is SCENE, FX, SETUP. Respectively F1, F2, F3.


- Hit SETUP & use the +/- buttons to move up and down the menu.

- You are looking for option 9. I cannot remember the text but it will give you the option to reset your desk back to 1:1 and wipe all submasters.

- Do not bother trying to get a memory card for them. It is just not worth the pain.

- Once you have reset the desk, use the left hand "soft" button to escape back up to the live menu. About 3 presses until you see SCENE, FX, SETUP.

- You should have to worry about softpatching or anything like that at his point.



It might be easier to start afresh dependent on when you are doing the show?


Scene & Sequences:


- There are 3 operational modes to the desk; SINGLE, 2 SCENE & SUBMASTER. These are accessed/stepped through from 1 button. This button is located in the middle of the operational buttons below the LCD screen and a bit to the left. It has the 3 options and the active option will have the amber LED lit next to it.



SCENE or SINGLE - This means single channel mode e.g. Fader 1 = Channel 1 and so on. You program your Subs at this level. This is the first mode of the desk and where you access channels etc.


2 SCENE PRESET - Only really for using the desk as an A/B cross fade manual desk. TBH, if it is programmed subs etc that you seek, you can ignore this mode.


SUBMASTER - This is where you playback your programmed subs. You would normally program your subs from the SCENE/SINGLE level and use this layer to run the "cues". The subs with programmed information possess a amber light below them.



- When you press this button, it steps through each of the 3 options. There is no other dark magic here. If you have a fader live in SCENE and select the SUB level, the value of the active fader will not change until you bring the fader to 0. Only then does it become active.



- There are two time faders at the top centre of the desk. These are just adjacent to the last channel/sub faders on the top row. Make sure they are placed farthest away from you. They can control timings on the desk and can trick you when they are not at "0". Often making you wonder why your channels/subs are not coming up when you move faders but in fact they are fading up over a very slow time.....

They are only really used when you are playing back a sequence. Leave them there.



- Make sure your Grandmaster Fader is at full. This is the fader on the bottom right.



- There are also two faders marked A/B. These are located adjacent to the channel faders on the bottom row. They are purposely opposites. The main reason for this is ensure a split dipless cross fade when running the desk in 2 SCENE PRESET mode.



- When all the above is checked and happy, proceed to recording your subs.



Record Subs:


- I normally record the SUBS from the SCENE level.


- Press RECORD. This is at the top right of the desk just adjacent to the the LCD screen.


- The RECORD button will flash red or remain red. I cannot remember which but it will stay lit until you exit the record mode.


- Put the channel faders to the desired positions you want. Once you are happy with them, press and hold down any one of the flash buttons underneath the submaster you wish to record the channels too. The button will flash amber after approx 2-3 secs. When you see it flash amber, this means that the sub has been recorded.

Do take a moment to work out a logic to the subs/buttons you use. This becomes quite evident and important when you use SEQUENCES.


- Rinse & repeat


- To exit the record mode, hit RECORD once. The red light will disappear.


- Now you move to the SUBMASTER level via the menu button. You should see the programmed subs with the amber light under them.



To edit a SUB, you have to enter the blind menu in the LCD panel and move a small cursor around. It is often quicker to re-program the submaster and I am being polite when I say this....

To record over the existing sub, repeat the steps above and hold the corresponding flash button down for about 5 secs. It will flash to indicate new information has been programmed.



I will not go into the SEQUENCES as I gave up using this method of playback a long time ago. It is a cumbersome and awkward way to runs cues. If the above works for you, I would work with manually fading the submasters and ignoring the timing function of the sequences. If you want to do it, I can post a guide for next time.


There is probably enough information above to get you started.



Have a go at the above and see how you get on.




Found a youtube video..




Link to manual.








Edit: links & grammar.

Edited by eamon
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Hi Eamon


Thank you very much for your reply. I don't have immediate access to the desk, but am following your directions carefully, compared with my manual to see why I found it unhelpful to a complete newcomer.


That said, it doesn't make clear how to run the show which I don't want to run on timers as the cast cannot be relied on (or expected to perhaps is fairer) keep to the same timing for all sorts of reasons you will be aware of with your experience.


If you can spare a little more time, will you tell me how to select "the next set up scene lighting" which I will have recorded so that I can get the different dimmer settings to fade next in and previous out? I am also wondering what to do with the dimmers setting - once programmed and ready to go, should they be parked at 0 or 10 or doesn't it matter?


I expect I am asking an obvious couple of questions, but as I haven't got the desk to use at the moment I cannot find out at the moment.



The show is a complicated one for me - although it has relatively few lights for each scene, the scenes are not separated by curtains or blackouts exactly. You may well know the play and the problems I am expecting - it is Aykbourn's Mr A's Amazing Plays, where the audience chooses the scene order as the play proceeds.



Thank you very much for your help so far. I really appreciate it.



Kind regards, Simondeskuser

Edited by paulears
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Hi Simon



My normal work flow is to


a) Mark out my channels so I know which fader does what at the channel level. - plan or tape on the desk, nothing fancy here.


b) Make sure the Mode select is for SINGLE. Not TWO SCENE or SUBMASTER .


c) Hit RECORD. the re light will illuminate indicating you are in the record mode.


d) Set your channel faders to the levels you wish.


e) Once you are happy, hold the bump button directly underneath the fader you wish to record. The LED on the fader will flash amber after 3 secs indicating you have recorded the channels into a sub.


f) Change your channel faders to the next scene and repeat the process of holding down the button directly underneath the new fader.


g) Continue on till you are happy.


h) Hit RECORD to exit the record mode. The red LED will turn off.


I) Press the MODE select button to change the desk into SUBMASTER mode. The programmed subs will have an amber led present. If the channel faders are still up, pull them down to 0 to release them. Only subs programmed will be accesible on the SUBMASTER level. The same goes for channels on the SINGLE level.


When you have finished programming, just fade the channel faders down and move to the SUBMASTER level/mode.




For playback of scenes, I would manually fade the subs in/out. You can use the timed function but it is a convoluted mess and a waste of time. If you want control over the timing, the only really way is to manually use the faders yourself.



I meant to say that any word in capitals is referencing a command or button on the desk.


Does this make more sense?





I never use the TWO SCENE mode


I have given up on the Timed playback option for the submaster levels.



When are you next at the desk?



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Hi Eamon


Thanks for your prompt reply.


I'm not sure you have answered my query, but that will be because I wasn't clear enough in making it.


When one is in SUBMASTER mode, does it matter where the board dimmers are or should they be set at 0 or 10 to run any recorded scene? In effect, are they cancelled out as a setting (whatever their level) once the bump button is in use?



I only ask this as I haven't access right now to the desk. I have made a request to get on it next week (all so complicated when the hall is a public hall in regular use, etc, etc).



Anyway, thanks again. I am feeling better about the possibilities as a result of your efforts so far!



Kind regards, Simon

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Hi Simon


I am unsure as to what you refer to when you say board dimmers..??


When in SUBMASTER mode, all the faders become submasters. The only active ones for use will have an amber led lit. If it does not have an amber led, it possess no information or is empty.


When in SINGLE mode, all the faders become channels.


If you are moving between different modes and a fader is up, the contents of the fader will not change until you fade it to zero.

This goes for when you move out of the SUBMASTER mode and the SINGLE mode if a channel fader is up and you enter the SUB mode, the channels will remain live until you bring the fader to zero.


Think of each fader as either a channel or a submaster. The dimmer terminology is confusing the issue.


If you are referring to the A/B faders at the bottom centre of the desk, best to make them at full. A should be at the top and B should be at the bottom (full!)


Clear as mud!




Hi Simon


I am unsure as to what you refer to when you say board dimmers..??


When in SUBMASTER mode, all the faders become submasters. The only active ones for use will have an amber led lit. If it does not have an amber led, it possess no information or is empty.


When in SINGLE mode, all the faders become channels.


If you are moving between different modes and a fader is up, the contents of the fader will not change until you fade it to zero.

This goes for when you move out of the SUBMASTER mode and the SINGLE mode if a channel fader is up and you enter the SUB mode, the channels will remain live until you bring the fader to zero.


Think of each fader as either a channel or a submaster. The dimmer terminology is confusing the issue.


If you are referring to the A/B faders at the bottom centre of the desk, best to make them at full. A should be at the top and B should be at the bottom (full!)


Clear as mud!



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Hi Eamon


I think I must get on the desk before making any more queries, as it is then I think that I will know what is what, and may be able to use more correct language when if I contact you.


I am most grateful for your patience! So, bye for now.


Kind regards, Simon



Simon - as a new member, you won't be aware we only tend to use quotes for important bits from previous posts, and we don't quote the entire thing - it makes it difficult to follow and on phones and tablets it's a lot of swiping! It's also quite rare to use bigger text for the same reason, so I've removed the quotes as they're not needed as it's responses to each other - and I've returned it to the usual size, getting rid of the size 4 tags. We're a bit 'quaint' sometimes, but big quotes drive people mad! Paul

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  • 2 months later...

Hi Simon


I am unsure as to what you refer to when you say board dimmers..??


When in SUBMASTER mode, all the faders become submasters. The only active ones for use will have an amber led lit. If it does not have an amber led, it possess no information or is empty.


When in SINGLE mode, all the faders become channels.


If you are moving between different modes and a fader is up, the contents of the fader will not change until you fade it to zero.

This goes for when you move out of the SUBMASTER mode and the SINGLE mode if a channel fader is up and you enter the SUB mode, the channels will remain live until you bring the fader to zero.


Think of each fader as either a channel or a submaster. The dimmer terminology is confusing the issue.


If you are referring to the A/B faders at the bottom centre of the desk, best to make them at full. A should be at the top and B should be at the bottom (full!)


Clear as mud!




Hi Simon


I am unsure as to what you refer to when you say board dimmers..??


When in SUBMASTER mode, all the faders become submasters. The only active ones for use will have an amber led lit. If it does not have an amber led, it possess no information or is empty.


When in SINGLE mode, all the faders become channels.


If you are moving between different modes and a fader is up, the contents of the fader will not change until you fade it to zero.

This goes for when you move out of the SUBMASTER mode and the SINGLE mode if a channel fader is up and you enter the SUB mode, the channels will remain live until you bring the fader to zero.


Think of each fader as either a channel or a submaster. The dimmer terminology is confusing the issue.


If you are referring to the A/B faders at the bottom centre of the desk, best to make them at full. A should be at the top and B should be at the bottom (full!)


Clear as mud!




Hi Eamon


A while ago you offered me help to get started on Strand 200 desk. You guidance was very useful and helped me to set up for the show I had to light, and which was successful, so thank you so much. I found on another desk that there was a "lock up" to prevent user settings being input, but that has been sorted locally - I have no idea how or what was done - not my area at all.


BUT your help was greatly appreciated.


Kind Regards


Simon (simondeskuser)

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