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BTEC Level 4 in Technical Theatre Management

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I am in the Navy and I want to study the BTEC Level 4 in Technical Theatre Management, but I can only do it part time or by distance learning.


Does anyone know of any institutions currently offering this course so that I can negotiate a distance learning package?





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As someone who actually wrote some of the units that this qualification has within it, there are a few snags. These short courses were approved in 2004 and although available, centres have to make a decision to offer them - so the number is still quite low. You could contact Edexcel direct, and they may be able to point you towards centres who have decided to offer them. Be aware, that they are not designed for distance learning - there is a minimum requirement for guided learning hours, which makes it difficult to provide them by distance learning. There is also the problem of validity of the work. Working on real shows is ideal, but very difficult to get validated except by an examiner or similar coming to you. I obviously can't speak for Edexcel, but they are receptive to centres who can meet the course specs. One approach would be to contact a college already offering HND's - they may be interested in designing something that would meet your requirements. To the best of my knowledge, I haven't heard of anyone doing what you need - yet.
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  • 4 months later...

I've had the info back from the college. Angie Berwick is the course leader for Technical Theatre at West Cheshire College. The qualification is the BTEC Professional Diploma in Lighting / sound. This is a Level 4 qualification, so you'll get your flat hat ceremony at the end - The professional Dipomas are actually selected units from the HND - designed for people already doing the job, who wish to have a proper, recognised qualification that is transferable accross the industry.


She has asked me to point out that it is not all distance learning. There has to be a number of 2 week periods spent in college, while much production evidence is gathered in your normal work.


This will be their first time running the course, and I expect they will be in the dark too, about some of the fine details.


What I can say is that the level is quite high, but within reach of anyone already doing the job - I'm certain the weirder academic elements will not get in the way too much.


For more details you can email Angie on:



I do have her phone number - but you need to PM me for that.



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Don't bank on Edexcel giving you much help here - they do know which colleges are authorised to run the courses, they know which ones have entered students - but many places don't do that bit yet - so Edexcel probably don't know which bits are actually running - maybe by christmas they will have a better idea. My old college used to advertsise all courses they were approved for were running - in truth, they weren't. If numbers didn't work out, it was common to merge things and everybody got registered on something different!"
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