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What pulley to use?


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I am relatively new to this industry, just trying to get my kit together slowly.

I was wondering what pulley to use with a 15mm hauling line? The Harken Hexaratchet only takes up to 14mm diametre. Any other ratchet pulleys on the market that riggers could recommend?


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A Midrange Hexaratchet works fine a little beyond it's spec. They're frequently used with a 5/8" solid braid derby rope, though you do sacrifice a bit of holding power using a rope a little fatter than the sheave is designed for. I don't think there is a larger ratchet pulley on the market.


It's expensive kit to be buying before you have an immediate need for it though. If you're new to the industry and looking to gain some experience, beyond your basic PPE, ideally you'd be able to work with someone else (and someone else's gear) for a bit before investing in your own.

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