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Zero88 Jester TLXtra Group Fixtures?


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Hi, I have a Zero88 Jester TLXtra lighting desk at school and I noticed it has groups on it. I am wondering if there is a way to group fixtures on it rather than just channels as described in the manual, as we have 8 LED pars and it would be useful to make various groups using them.


Thanks Lewis

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Hi Lewis,


This is worth asking on the Jester TL Zero88 forum: http://zero88.com/forum/forum/127-jester-tl-range/


Sorry I can't help you out, and I can't answer your question from what I read in the manual (http://www.zero88.com/manuals/7341200_jestertl_manual_3_0.pdf).


Can you follow what the manual says and see if Groups work in the application you're interested in?




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Hi Lewis,


No Groups on the TLXtra can only be recorded to store Groups of channels called up by the syntax rather than Fixtures.

You can have a maximum of 30 groups, plus group 0. The syntax GROUP 0 selects all fixtures.


Hope that helps, any queries let me know.


Kind regards


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