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DMX to 0-12V DC


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I have some 12v Gobo rotators.

I run them off a electric train set controller :guilty:

It would be more convenient to control them via my desk and DMX.

Are there such things as DMX to 0-12V DC interfaces?

Google, or me, hasn't found any.



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I have some 12v Gobo rotators.

I run them off a electric train set controller :guilty:

It would be more convenient to control them via my desk and DMX.

Are there such things as DMX to 0-12V DC interfaces?

Google, or me, hasn't found any.




Get one of these and change the voltage reference to 12V (you'll need at least a 15VDC supply) or add a bunch of external op-amps with a gain of 1.2.

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You'll need a pretty beefy output to run a motor off it, I doubt an opamp would do it.


I would try a different approach, put a DMX Led tape controller onto the output of your existing 12v supply. That will control the motor by pwm. The only potential problem with that is it might make a whining noise.

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Get one of these and change the voltage reference to 12V (you'll need at least a 15VDC supply) or add a bunch of external op-amps with a gain of 1.2.

Each analogue output can give up to 20MA, is this sufficient to drive a gobo rotator motor?



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There is the DHA/Rosco DMX DC controller which produces variable -12 to +12 so either direction but it's rather imaginatively priced!


They do come up on eBay occasionally of course.


Edit to add as here in fact http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/stage-lighting-Dha-2-X-Varispeed-Gobo-Rotators-And-Dc-Controller-DMX-2nd-Lot-/112536060934

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I hadn't noticed that Tim had edited his reply.

I was wondering about PWM dimmers.

I have both a 27 channel and a 3 channel controllers that output 0-12V DC at max of 2A per channel. I shall try one of them next week when I get time.



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Tried it out and seems to work OK.

Slight whining noise at slow speeds but the SFX of increasing wind will cover the noise as the cyclone hits Dorothy etc before being transported to OZ.



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