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M32 comparability


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We use an x 32 with p16 distro and p16's


We are doing an event in another venue at Christmas but can't take the x32 out of the venue.


A friend has offered to lend me a m32 for the gig but we where hoping to us are monitoring system? Will it still work with the m32 or do I need to hire an x32?


Thanks as always

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P16 monitoring uses a Behringer proprietary interface, so I suspect this would not be supported on the M32... even though Midas and Behringer are commerically linked and Midas engineers probably did a lot of design work on the X32 range.


Have you researched this in the M32 documentation or posted this same question on the Behringer or Midas forums?

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AFAIK the M32 has exactly the same Ultranet facilities as the X32 - as also do the stage boxes. There really is no difference between the two platforms other than the circuitry of the preamps and the physical housing. Even the show files can be transferred.
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yup they are identical and it's the same operating system - an m32 is just an x32 with upgraded bits. whatever one can do, so can the other - with the m32 having supposedly better pre-amps.

the p16 system works with both and the scenes are identical because it's the same operating system, same firmware updates etc BUT just a word of caution - if you are working with a scene on one system and the firmware is much different on another system, some things may not work - if they are both on the same firmware issue then happy days. also worth noting that there are a few things like safes, that don't transfer with scenes and need setting on the console itself

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The M32 is exactly the same as the X32 apart from the M is built better.

All functions and sound quality are the same.


This is not true, the operating system software is exactly the same but some elements of the electronics are different - the preamps are widely advertised as being "better" and the faders are also mechanically different.

Personally I cannot tell any difference in the sound quality but some people say they can hear an improvement on the M32.

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The M32 is exactly the same as the X32 apart from the M is built better.

All functions and sound quality are the same.


This is not true, the operating system software is exactly the same but some elements of the electronics are different - the preamps are widely advertised as being "better" and the faders are also mechanically different.

Personally I cannot tell any difference in the sound quality but some people say they can hear an improvement on the M32.


Please note I personally own both. You are correct in saying the faders are better.

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They both sound the same!


The build quality on the M32 is loads better. So much so I would not purchase another X32.


If you are looking for the best sound quality buy a M/X desk and a Midas DL251 clock it at 48k and have use of real Midas pre amps.


I have set up a 58 going in to a M32 direct and a 58 going in to the same desk on AES50 from one of my Midas DL231's and the difference is night and day (as you would expect)

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For a long term I've scratched my head over the whole question of preamps and "how they should sound".

The obvious answer (I'd hope) is "completely neutral and transparent". I'd suggest that it's not just the preamp that might affect the front end, but also filters, balancing circuit, AtoD convertors etc. I haven't tried measuring, but it may well be that the supposed benefit of the Midas design is that it distorts gracefully and still sounds good. Otherwise, marketing a device which supposedly colours the sound would appear to be a backward step?

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