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Morning All,


I'm experiencing a couple of problems with the ETC remote focus app on ipad. Wondered if anyone has experienced similar problem (have seen a very old post on here, but no solution) and/ or if anyone knows of any reasonable alternatives?


I'm currently using an ETC GIO with iRFR BTS. I have control of units, which isn't a problem. However, when focussing if I turn a light on, focus it and then turn it off to turn the next one on. It brings both lights up. The further along I go - say I focus 20 lights, by the end all 20 lights will turn on with the new selection. Command line is clear - so it doesn't make any sense to me?


The app hasn't been updated since 2012 - which seems a little surprising to me!


I would also LOVE to have control of the subs. I know this isn't supported in ETC's app - but does anyone know if they plan to include it, or of an app that does?


Many thanks in advance,


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I tried using the iRFR remote with our Element a couple of years ago but found it too limiting. Recently I've been using TouchOSC on my iPad and its much, much nicer to use. I use it primarily for setting up our movers as I can walk around the stage/auditorium and set up focus positions much more easily I can when sat behind the desk. I'm guessing that since ETC have started supporting OSC, theres no need for them to maintain their own iPad/Android remote software when anyone can now create their own remote interface.
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  • 4 weeks later...

I was looking for the Touch OSC app the other day and couldn't find one that was specific to the ETC software - is that a generic type of control or am I looking in the wrong place...??


Touch OSC is a generic app that you can easily build to do what you want.


Someone may have already built a layout your after though.

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Hmmm... Seems quite expensive. TouchOSC from Hexler only costs about five quid, and there are a few free overlays that do exactly what oscRFR does. I should know as I created one of them.


Edit: If anyone wants the OSC overlay that I've made just send me a message and I'll email it to you.

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