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DSP Advice


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We have a Xilica DSP in a Lecture theater set up.


- Lectern Mic

- Lapel mic

- 2 x HH mics

- Line presentation audio



- Amps for room audio

- Lecture Capture recording and streaming device

- Induction loop


The issue I have is that the room audio is set up fine but I could do with increasing the level of the lectern mic and the lapel mic to the lecture capture system only without affecting the room level.

Between the I/O's there is a virtual matrix with attenuation control all as default set at 0dB.


Would it be good practice to attenuate all of the inputs at the matrix therefore giving me some headroom to increase individual input levels to individual outputs?

I could then increase the level of the amps for the room audio.

As it is currently set up I cannot increase the lectern mic level to the lecture capture without effecting the room level.


Many thanks in advance,

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