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Launchpad for Projection / Footage


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I was wondering if there was a piece of hardware, which I could use in a Special Needs Setting, which would operate similar to Novation Launchpad, but specifically for Video.


I am aware of various Mac / Windows software, which does similar - but I need to process to be simple and responsive. E.g. press a button it fires file X / Press another button fires file Y.


Many thanks in advance.



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Thanks timsabre,


It could work via a touchscreen with that - was hoping to trigger the footage, without it being programmed and not essential to know what it is. More explorative for the user.



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If you're happy to look at software a quick look at Screenmonkey might be worthwhile. It can easily be setup so that stabbing at a tile/thumbnail on a touchscreen, or triggered via midi, can run a clip (either once or looped) and pushing another then replaces that first clip etc.
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Brightsigns the way to go if you want tried and tested. The entry level Ls422 ? has a 8 input gpio port if you want to build a button box, but im guessing that youd be better with a standard touchscreen connected to a hd1022 unit. This has touch integration and you can use the free bright author software to set up pretty complex presentations in a reasonably simple drag and drop way. The performace is easily as good as a macmini and the fact that its a single purpose box is whats attractive, it boots into you video playlist and doesnt do anything else, and its all done for you. Now im sure you could build something based around screen monkey on a pc or code something on a raspbery pi, but ultimately brightsign have allready done all the hard work and I know which solution id bet on running 24/7 indefinitely...
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