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DMX Controller problem


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So I have had a Transcension show control LED master 64 for about 10 months now and worked great, I then upgraded my lights and re-programmed my chases about 3 weeks ago, I have gigged the lights twice and worked perfectly.


I went to a gig on Friday and the controller started to play up a little but was usable, Today I thought I would check out what was causing the issue and quite a few of the lights on the controller are lit but won't go off! this is also causing the pre programmed chases to not function properly, I have uploaded a simple youtube video to show a little more detail......... I have tried to upload the chase settings to a memory stick but it won't let me :-( and I really don't fancy doing a factory reset as I spent a long long time programming this,


Any help would be greatly appreciated as I have another gig this sat :-(


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I am also unfamiliar with it but is it possible that a button is stuck on. They look as though they are tact switches so it would be worth checking that they all click properly when pressed and released


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Cheers for the quick responses,


I tried a new psu but no joy and I have clicked every button and they all work,(apart from the problem ones where the light will not go out) its almost like there has been a power surge and its frozen, its the same lights that are lit every time I switch it on, I'm gutted if I have to factory reset and lose all my work, just hoping for a magical fix




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Hi Chris, Did you manage to speak to your engineers? I'm still struggling to solve this http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/unsure.gif





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Thats the thing Chris, because of the lights that are permanently on, its not letting me backup to usb drive..... that was the first thing I tried. In the manual it says to press 2 buttons which I have but I'm guessing the desk thinks that more are being pressed and therefore not recognising the command.... I've actually taken the desk back from where I got it so my guess is they will send it back to you guys at pro light to take a look at it if they can't solve the issue.



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