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If Russ Andrews did lighting


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61 grand plus fitting , box is a meter deep.


Patent is less than illuminating




But a bit of searching on nano particles, apart from treatment for sweaty socks , brings up this application:




That possibly explains the blue colour of the aperture but how are the glowing sun and sharp shadows acheived?

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My local hospital has "sky images" in the light fittings, there are lots of rooms with no natural light and just a transparency of blue sky and clouds does sometimes amuse, I guess it cost say £25 per fitting though.
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I love how some of the nay-sayers clearly have never seen or even understand buildings that have more than one floor or are underground when they say "just fit a darn skylight" :rolleyes: :** laughs out loud **:

Not to mention the poor souls who fail to realise that sunlight is more than just visible light.... ;)

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