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matrox and panasonic projectors problem


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Hi all,

there was problem some days ago; I wasn't the operator so I miss some informations. the operator was using an arkaos media server, a matrox tripe head and three projectors. two were panasonic PT-DZ16K, I don't remember the other one.

The problem was that the two panasonic didn't work with the matrox signal, they had to be plugged directly into arkaos. The operator told me there could be an issue with the matrox signal, which uses a protocol I don't know, but actually he wasn't clear and I didn't understand why it happened.

Can someone help me understanding?


Thank you

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Or even that the THTG wasn't configured properly. It defaults to Out1 then Out3 and Out2 only works when all 3 are configured correctly.


I doubt EDID is the issue as one was getting the correct signal.

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