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Nec PA500XG Bracket


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Hey Guys


We are looking to hang a couple of Nec PA500XG's from two lighting bars. Do I need to get some heavy duty brackets for these as there a fairly sizeable? Could someone suggest some or a place to look?



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looks like they weigh 17 lbs and use 4 x M8 bolts into prepared holes.


I have used some "universal" brackets in the past that were arcs of metal stamped out of a sheet that bolted to a circular centre. This meant that pretty much any hole could be lined up and then all the nuts and bolts tightened. It may have been made by TMS


Unicol are another suggestion

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Flown those of straight forward Unicol gyro locks. (Other hanging systems are available).


They don't need a cage/ heavy duty brackets, though the ones I use will be caged soon so that they can be stacked if needs be.

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