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Avolites Pearl 2004 Screen Issue


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We’re having some issues with the screen on our Pearl 2004 recently. I’ve noticed over the last few months vibrations from the louder gigs & raves would cause all the letters/numbers on displayed on the screen to scramble into complete nonsense over the course of a few hours. It would get worse as time went on - you could restart the desk and it start fresh but as soon as the vibrations started again the same thing would happen.


Last week seems to have tipped it over the edge and now the screen doesn’t display anything at all. The desk still functions as normal and can still program stuff etc - but you’re totally blind when you do it. The brightness/contrast faders work ok but theres nothing actually being displayed anymore.


I’ve opened it up, cleaned out the dust and checked all the connections but everything seems to be in place as far as I can tell. Have you come across anything like this before or can recommend anything to try?


Thanks for your help.



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