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Avolites Pearl 2000/2004 PSU


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Hello Blue Room!


I currently have an old Avolites Pearl 2000 kicking about in the warehouse which we believe has a PSU issue as it won't power on at all.


I'm currently in talks with Avo about sending it in for service/repair but I wondered if anyone had found a suitable replacement PSU for the SPI-200G that comes fitted as standard, or has attempted the repair before?


Thanks in advance :)

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I might even have a compatible as a spare for mine.

I have repaired them before, mainly dry-joints that made it intermittent but also check the switch itself.

shame I'm not more local or I'd offer, based in colchester but may be coming into london next week.





Hello Blue Room!


I currently have an old Avolites Pearl 2000 kicking about in the warehouse which we believe has a PSU issue as it won't power on at all.


I'm currently in talks with Avo about sending it in for service/repair but I wondered if anyone had found a suitable replacement PSU for the SPI-200G that comes fitted as standard, or has attempted the repair before?


Thanks in advance :)

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