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Strand 300 Switch Issue


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Hi Troops, I've a Strand 300 that's a conglomeration of bits, but it runs fine (It's actually a running set of parts for my "good" desk) but last week it stopped...


It shut down in it's normal manner, then simply wouldn't fire up again.


The power supply is kicking out 24volts as normal, but pushing the green switch on the front panel does nothing - not even the fan starts up.


Because of this last point about the fan, my thoughts are tending towards the problem being the switch itself, but all ideas would be appreciated.

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Have you got a fader/ control panel for it or is it just the CPU box? If you have I think pressing one of the F keys acts like a power button as well and will start the beast. If that doesn't work it's your processor unit. we have one here that's died and we think it's the CMOS/ BIOS battery thingy that's preventing startup. CPC do them I beleive
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Do you have any expansion cards in it? (Network/VGA etc) If so, try taking them out. I had a similar problem that was solved by taking my network card out- this would be a slightly easier place to start than the battery, but it could also be the battery!
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