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Dedo Lighting Supplier London


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I'm a freelance producer based in London / new to the forum!


I have a client whose lighting supplier has closed their business down.


Do you know any lx suppliers in London who work with Dedo lights?


Any advise would be very welcome!





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All the film companies will have them. Panalux...Filmscape...Lightning media...Arri...Decode...Take2 etc.


Hi Itiba


Thanks for the quick response!


My client has a long term install of product branding and architecture- so their dedo fittings are on for a couple months at a time


Is film industry lx design essentially the same service as architectural lx design?


Im looking for someone to refocus + maintain the equipment.


Thank you so much for your advise!



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so their dedo fittings are on for a couple months at a time


Ahh I'd recommend going down the route of Par 16's (AKA Birdies) then as they would be a lot cheaper if you don't need the flexibility that Dedo's have (eg the ballast).


We have a job board on here that you could put a posting on for a technician or there's a company called White Light who have a projects team that while not perhaps cheap would be able to supply and maintain the equipment properly.

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