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Roland VMixer M300 - Android App


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I was just thinking does anyone know if Roland have any plans to develop an android version of their ipad app for controlling the vmixer. Or is anyone trying to develop a 3rd part port to android?




Depends what you want to do with it, but I wrote something for the purposes of setting up stage. I was frustrated that there wasn't anything for pocketed devices (I'm not going to having an ipad kicking around on stage). I'm not sure I would want to run a performance using it (it is targeted for use on phone - but does work on tablets), although once connected it seems reasonably reliable and I use it frequently (SGS2 / Moto G).

It works via the serial port on the back of the mixer, so you need a laptop / serial port adapter to bridge to WIFI. It also can work over bluetooth (with some cheap adaptors found on ebay), but the bluetooth distances aren't good enough for my needs.



(and on google play)


Downloaded lots, but apart from a few emails, I've not had much feedback. I'm not intending to compete with Roland, it's a free app with it's limitations (including my time to work on it).


Doesn't control everything - I wanted to keep the interface simple, and not everything is controllable via the serial interface (which is well documented BTW). If you use the VMXProxy to speed up comms - Device discovery is a little hit and miss depending on your android device and network, so you may need to specify IP addresses. VMXProxy is undergoing a little rewrite presently.



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