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behringher usb soundcard resetting


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I'm having a few issues with a pair of Behringher USB soundcards.


Everytime I use them in certain venues they keep freezing and have to be reset if someone makes a change to electrical equipment in close proximity. This can be as simple as a 13a plug being plugged in or out or a light switch being turned on or off..


I have tried this on different laptops too and have same issues ..I have also encounted this issue on a midi controller too.


Any ideas what would cause this issue , seems to be linked to electronic spikes or the like ?????


Any help appreciated...

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That might work if the noise is mains induced and the UPS was an online type.


If the noise is airborne then it wouldn't help in the slightest. Does it do it with the laptops running on battery and nothing connected apart from the soundcard to the laptop?



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OK, we've eliminated direct mains induced problems.

Does it still happen with the USB boxes aren't plugged into the sound system

So, neither the laptop or USB boxes aren't plugged into anything other than themselves (expect maybe a pair of headphones) - i.e. self contained with no external influences coming in on a wire.

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Er, since the sound cards (I'm assuming the UCA variety) are bus powered, they shouldn't even come on without the laptop.


For no good reason other than eliminating possible issues, how about visiting THIS PAGE on the Behringer site and downloading the latest drivers for your sound cards.


Also, I'd try things with one interface at a time. Two USB audio devices into the same computer often don't play nicely together.

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Could using a UPS be a workaround or has anyone got anything more to add ?




The idea of using a UPS is to overcome or clean up spikes or glitches getting in to the laptop from mains borne interference. But if the problem still occurs when laptop is running on battery, ie totally disconnected from mains then a UPS couldnt improve on that.


Worth also trying Josh and Pisquee's suggestion to run them with no audio connections except headphones. If they run OK like that then the interference could be coming in from the audio line - mixer etc and might be curable with an audio isolating transformer.

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