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Yamaha M7CL Insert points


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I would like to ask how am I going to hook an external compressor up to a Yamaha m7cl.

There aren't any insert points on the board.Can I manage it somehow?Through the MY Cards?


Thanks in Advance

Just connect the compressor input to an output from the desk and the compressor output to an input to the desk. Route the desk output and input so they act as inserts. There are no specific insert points as you would get on an analogue desk so you have to make them up.





You can route the direct out of a channel to an omni then return it to the desk...or you can get clever and route more than one to the same compressor or whatever...all very flexible.


Any reason you don't like the Yamaha compressors? I've always found them okay--certainly better than most of the cheapies out there and as good as many of the better ones.




No problem regarding Yamaha's Compressors but I've never played with a TL Audio which a Venue provides me if I want to use it.So I would like to play around a little bit.:)


Do you reckon that there will be no difference?



Well, to my ear, the Yamaha provides a clean and neutral compression while the TL Audio ones add a definite colouration (which varies from model to model). Some people love it on certain sources; others don't. It's all very subjective so it's worth having a play. Personally, I prefer the Yamaha neutrality and would only go to the TL to satisfy a rider or when I wanted a specific sound--but it's all very subjective.

If I remember correctly, you can't use the omni outs as insert sends, you have to use the expansion cards.


There is SOMETHING. And I can't for the life of me remember what. It's either you can't use an omni, or you can't use a card, or you can't use an input, or you can't use a card input. It's something like that. There IS something, you are right, and tomorrow if I get chance I will get an M7 out and check as it's bugging me now.


If I remember correctly, you can't use the omni outs as insert sends, you have to use the expansion cards.


Nope.... You can use the omnis.


On an M7-CL you can only use slot ins and outs as inserts. On a DM2000 you can use omni outs and channel ins.




A quick look at the patch editor in Studio Manager confirms what Mac is saying.


I suppose you could cobble together an insert type affair by using the direct out of a channel. You are able to assign the direct outs to Omni outputs. You would then have to bring the return of your compressor back into another channel.


EDIT: Oops! Just like several other people have already said. Not sure how I missed all those answers. Great minds think alike?






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