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New Rehearsal and Workshop Studio


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Hi there


Sorry if this is in the wrong place, I wasn't sure where to post this

Iam currently reading up on studio and rehearsal room designs andbuilds for a new recording studio that I am building. The mainpurpose of the studio live rooms for which they will be five is todouble as rehearsal rooms on evenings and double as a workshop spacefor companies to deliver workshops to children during the day when norecording sessions are on. Because we want the facilities to be asuser friendly as possible, particularly for the users who are notfrom a music background we are looking into the possibility ofputting the PA system, audio playback system and two track recordingfacilities as an install using wall/floor boxes, wall mountedspeakers and possibly touch screen control surfaces. Has anyone gotany experience of designing a room for these purposes and couldpossibly point us in the direction of some existing builds of thisnature or products that may be suitable?


Thingsthat would be particularly useful to us would be XLR wall plates withvolume and integrated reverb/fx pot.


Asimple two track install recording device with USB out.


Anda way of summing the four or five XLR and one phone inputs behind thewall which can then be fed to the PA


Thanksin advance





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