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Allen & Heath ILive

jack hale

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Okay guys: Has anyone had this problem? Today at work the iLive decided to be totally unresponsive. It started with just the screen not working at all and then after rebooting the desk the whole surface was unresponsive.


After 10 minutes we discovered the problem: a small piece of grit had got under the screen and was putting pressure on it - so the iLive must have thought that there was someone pressing the screen. The whole surface was responsive apart from the screen until we rebooted it, so I'm assuming as it was booting up with the grit touching the screen that's why the whole surface went down?


We managed to get the grit out of the screen and all was good. My only worry is now if a tiny piece of grit could cause so much problems with the desk, is it going to be reliable from now on? It has given me doubts. http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/huh.gif


Has anyone else had this problem or something similar?



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