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Fat Frog DMX data rate


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Can anybody out there with a Fat Frog and a 'scope tell me what the gap is between bytes coming out of the DMX interface.


I have built something to receive the data, but the software doesn't run fast enough and needs about a character gap between bytes to work reliably.



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The DMX protocol permits varying spaces between packets and varying spaces in the header prior to data transmission, however the bytes of data themselves always have one start bit and two stop bits between bytes.


Edit to add link to useful DMX protocol webpage


Link to the URL above

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Looking at that web link above (Ujjal's site) then, what I meant to ask is what is the minimum mark time between frames that the Fat Frog outputs. i.e. does it just wait 2 stop bits time (8us) or does it twiddle it's thumbs for a few micro-seconds while the processor services the transmit interrupt and then send the next frame.


BTW if anyone has got some code to get a Zilog Z8Encore! to receive DMX data at full speed then I would be very interested.

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