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Chauvet Omega effects


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hey what do you guys think of omegas 1 and omegas 2 I have four of them I was wondering what you guys think of them thay are by chauvet



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they are preaty much budget lighting effects, and suited to mobile disco applications rather than anything on a professional scale.


im not a huge fan of chinese imports, they cause me no end of problems in both trade and repair.



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The omega 1 have had constant problems including continual lamp blowings, transformer problems, gobo/ colour wheels jamming,


The omega 2 has also had problems with the colour wheel.


Wouldn't recommend them at all dues to them being unreliable


If you are thinking of using scanners for the disco environment I recommend scanners from the following makes:


Prolight - still budget but the winner and leader are great

Constella - Astra scan 250 and astra scan club

EVL - Scan 150 and 250

Martin MX 1, 4 and10

Robe - DJ scan series

Abstract- Extreme dj series



these are just a few which could be used for the disco environment. For shows I think movers from martin,robe, clay paky, high end, futurelight any many more which I cant think of.


Hope this helps



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