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Grand MA light series 1 faulting ,any ideas?


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Hi people,I have a series 1 MA light that is flicking all DMX output ,even over a network to a laptop running ONPc ( you can see virtual faders "flicking" up and down very fast also ) ..system monitor displays constantly scrolling lines ,with a few "unknowns" in there,I don't know what I'm looking at,but its very busy!

Has anyone MA savvy here experienced something like this before?? Could it be the hard drive ? It is 4 years old

I have tried reinstalling software ,updating Motorola chip,replacing troublesome faders (when I thought it was a hardware issue),replaced ups battery and had it checked once already by an electronics guy ,it didn't decide to fault in its short time with him of course!

It is a very intermittent fault,but devasting to my work when it strikes..

Thanks in advance



(Oh and I have no official MA servicing available in New Zealand ,but an option in Sydney Australia if all else fails!)


Maybe give the guys at Show Technology in Syd a call for help??


I mean I am assuming you purchased the thing off them in the first place, as they are the distributor for MA in Australia, and maybe by default for NZ as well?


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