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Wireless relay?


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Something I'm wondering about - would appreciate any thoughts.


Currently doing a lot of boxing events where there is usually a VIP room overlooking the main arena. Managed to get up there last night during the show and decided an audio relay for the compère's mic and intro music etc was needed.


As we usually have minimal set up time (last night 2 hours) I'm ruling out running a cable from FoH to the area, as the amount of cable needed and taping down would be ridiculous. Also the routes would no doubt involve going through fire doors. We work in various venues so a more permanent solution is unlikely to be financially viable or approved by the Council owned venues (it's never been a problem before etc etc).


Naturally a wireless solution would be ideal. My thoughts are either using an XLR transmitter to receiver option (such as this from Sennheiser) or an IEM transmitter to radio mic receiver (would prefer so everything's powered off the mains - no batteries!) Has anyone tried this application before and have any advice / comments on signal quality?


All thoughts / experience welcomed!

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I sometimes use a guitar pack transmitter and receiver/s to provide a relay to dressing rooms when we have events with lots of performers. I just use an aux out from the desk and it seems to work fine for the purpose.
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I do this kind of thing often and apart from the problems finding channels - it's fine.

The other problem I've had is punters messing around with the controls. "The speakers aren't working in the VIP room..." Go over, someone has turned the volume down, "it was too loud..."

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Hi, LD Systems did a unit, was on offer at CPC for £180, look in the Bargain corner section AV then PA/Disco. Still on there but not showing up on a search. Fixed freq (ch70 I think) might be an issue with other radio kit esp next year. I've done it with a cheap inear and XLR adaptor successfully out doors



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