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What employers look for!


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*What do employers look for when employing people into a live technical enviroment?

* What your views of education is in this industry and how it could be improved?


If any one have any views in this it would be most useful, also be helping a student pass his degree!!!


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*What do employers look for when employing people into a live technical enviroment?

Technical ability, common sense, god attitude. Not necessarily in that order, though!

* What your views of education is in this industry and how it could be improved?

Have a look in the Training & Qualifications forum on this site - plenty of opinions expressed in there.

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Guest lightnix
Add any technical ability you have and you're on to a winner.

But don't forget: do it for £25 a day less than the next guy / gal and it doesn't matter how good (or not) you are, you're hired. Nobody will take you seriously, but at least you'll get the gig, some experience and a nice, warm glow inside at having provided a "service" for a "reasonable" price.

god attitude.

Probably the best one to have ;) :)

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