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DMX Splitters


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My local theatre desperatly needs a DMX splitter. We have the lx desk at the front of the stage and dimmers in front and behind.


At the moment we are running a system where we loop back from the stage bars, but for safety reasons and other major re-wiring solutions we are going to have to stop doing it - too many cables.


I therefore think we need a splitter. But splitters are not going to fit in with the budget, so I am wondering if they are makable?

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My local theatre desperatly needs a DMX splitter. We have the lx desk at the front of the stage and dimmers in front and behind. 


At the moment we are running a system where we loop back from the stage bars, but for safety reasons and other major re-wiring solutions we are going to have to stop doing it - too many cables. 


I therefore think we need a splitter. But splitters are not going to fit in with the budget, so I am wondering if they are makable?


You might get away with just joining the cable in the middle. I have in two venues and it works. Effectively a Y lead. Good solder joints in a screened case, and terminate or not depending on what works. If you have cheap movers or other below spec kit it may all fall over, or not work at all.


Please don't all shout "It'll never work!", it does in my cases; live with it!

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yer, but I have to pay ** laughs out loud **

Been some discussion of this over at rec.arts.theatre.stagecraft.


Cheaper than chips option from Dan Mills


>>>A two way passive DMX splitter!

Each data pin on the output socket is connected to the input socket by a

51ohm resistor, make it in a little diecast box (just space enough for the

connectors). Each output will see the a 2.5V swing (given 5V RS485 on the

input side & correct termination), which is way more then the 200mV which

is the required level for correct performance in an RS485 line RX.

All lines see the correct load impedance and life is good...<<<


optoisolated on input but not outputs:



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Whos Dan Mills?


And are the above instructions for how to make one or how it works?


Sorry - I have a GCSE in electronics and thats about it.


Mr Mills original poster on RATS:


http://groups.google.co.uk search stagecraft then topic`build your own`


both assembly and theory of operation.


51 R (ohms) resistor on both output sockets on both + and - data lines, four resistors, presents closer to 100R impedence to transmitter than straight Y spilt, think.


Creative use of heatshrink could probably put resistors in output socket shells.


Cheaper than chips reference is that it dosent use any.


Krsitoff Nys option does , but provides optical isolation to incoming DMX line , but not between outputs more discussion on this in above topic.

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Dont do a Y split!! ESTA say no! ive worked in many venues and found major errors in the DMX due to Y-splits. Like bringing up a dimmer and you get the smoke machine puffing stuff out. Good idea to run CAT 5, 2 reasons cheaper then DMX, ESTA have said it works ok, and with more and more gear having ethernet ports, makes you ready for the future!!
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