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Union Jack movers


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Im sure someone on here will have the answer, or if not also be intrigued to find someone who does. Watching the Jubilee Concert, I've noticed some fancy looking movers, with a union jack design as opposed to the standard technician friendly colour of black! If anyone knows where these casings are available it would be fantastic to find out! I have tried a simple google search and it returned nothing useful.


Thanks all!!

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You mean to say that there were movers on a boat? Or do you mean union flag. (I know...sorry)


That aside, the only alternative cases I've seen are corporate grey or white. I would imagine that it wouldn't be too difficult to get hold of a set of replacement casings and design something yourself. That's probably what they did.

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The OP is referring to some movers on the floor of the jubilee concert stage.

I'd imagine they were a custom spray job on new covers.

Forgive me if I'm wrong but I think you are missing the point of DeepSpacePeguin's post.

It is the Union Flage which is painted on the movers.

The Union Jack is the shortened name for is the jack staff on a boat from which the Union Flag is flown.

So, strictly speaking. the Union Jack is a round bit of wood. :rolleyes:



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Think I've found the 4- light ipix strips they has running on the long arms of stage ceiling, not sure what their flood units that were pointing at the crowd were. And was it all led movers? Liked the led strips behind madness too
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The 4 cells, along the arms, were BB4s and the LED Battens at the ends of the fingers pointing at the crowd, were the new IPIX iline 600 and I believe behind madness they were the Ipix I-Line 1200


There were no LED Movers, they were a mixture of alpha spot QWO 800s, alpha wash 700, alpha beam 700, alpha beam 1500, alpha wash 1500, and sharpys

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You mean to say that there were movers on a boat? Or do you mean union flag. (I know...sorry)


You're entirely wrong. The union jack / union flag thing is mythical and is nothing to do with boats. They both mean exactly the same thing.


It makes me laugh how many Facebookers I've seen going "oooh it's a union FLAG!" when you can actually call it either. Google it if you must, it's fairly easy to track down the book answer.

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The fixtures are Clay Paky Sharpys http://www.claypaky.it/en/products/sharpy. The six Union Flag Sharpys are the first units from Clay Paky to be treated with such an a detailed covering. Sharpys are normally available in self-colour black, painted white and chrome. This "printed" covering a a new concept which may become available across the Clay Paky range in the future.


We should have the units back at Ambersphere later this week, you are welcome to pop in and have a look. Otherwise one will be at the ABTT show.




Glyn O'Donoghue

Ambersphere Solutions Ltd

0208 992 6369

glyn (at) ambersphere.co.uk

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