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Fiber cabling


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Hi all,


I'm I'm the process of designing a rig based around the back magic atem 1 switcher and their fiber based camera connectors. The camera connectors use duplex single mode fiber on lc connectors.


My plan is to build a portable rack with all the kit in, this system will mainly used in 2-3 venues plan for each venue it to put a fiber wall box at the gallery location and then run to separate outlets around the venue. They would be used for one night every 4-6 weeks over a 3 year period



So the connection chain will be as follows


Atem cam converter > 5m fiber > wall connector > 50-200m of fiber > muilty wall box > 2m fiber > parch pannel on back of rack >0.5m fiber > atem studio converter.


At this time I don't have the budget to go for optcon connectors and nice deployable fiber so what I am asking what is the best connector to use at each join, will lc's cut it?


I can get a 50m pair on lc connectors for less than £35 and lc coupplers for the panels for less than £3 each so having to swap out the odd join or patch cable from time to time is not the end the word


Your thoughts please





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LC will be OK for that - they are not the best connections and LC patch cable doesn't enjoy being stood on, but for a system where the main runs are permanent install then it will be OK.


If you were planning on coiling and uncoiling hundreds of meters of cable then you'd want more robust ends. http://www.tacticalfiber.com do a conversion system to beef up the ATEM converters, but it is fairly costly and not the most elegant of designs.

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Thanks , I've allredy seen the stuff from tacticalfiber.com


What I really wanted to know are any of the other common IT fiber connectors any better than lc? As I have a number of joins it no big deal having another connector in the middle and swapping to lc for the ends, I have noticed lc seems to be the most expensive of the common connectors



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For single mode, SC is pretty common. In the telco world, you'll still find a lot of FC. Both are larger form factors than LC.


Most IT kit these days is moving to LC from SC for singlemode connections, as it allows a higher density of connections.


LC is probably the most common of the smaller form factor connectors.


Are you planning to simply install a long "patch lead" with pre-made ends, and then use back-back connectors to join to your patch lead (That's what I read into your initial post) or are you planning to use infrastructure fibre and get the installers to splice some tails? The former could be quite fragile - remember the cable is relatively unprotected, and at installation time you'll have to "pull" the cable with ends on.


I'd go for the latter - installation cable is more rugged, and you can have the ends terminated either on a 19" panel, or in a lockable wallbox.



Remember that most of the common connectors are only rated for a few hundred insertions. They're not particularly rugged.


What's your power loss budget?

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