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VL2500 Spot


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Hi All,


Having issues dousing a few of my VL2500's via DMX.


During calibration, the fixtures in question will attempt to strike the lamp, despite "Power Up" being set to "Lamp Off" in the Config menu. The lamp will then almost immediately douse itself and sit tight waiting for further user action.


It will then lamp on as normal when the Lamp On command is sent via DMX. However, when it comes to dousing the lamp, there is no response. (Other VL2500 fixtures on the same line will douse at this time)


N.B. Fixture status reads OK.


Anyone have any ideas as to what might be causing this to occur and any possible ways to rectify this?



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Shwack,


I can't relate to the fixture firing on cal. with the command being set to lamp, power up, lamp off. However with regards to your non-douser I have seen numerous cases of bad ballasts causing this to be the case.


You said several fixtures are doing this, but then said all the others douse on that line. Not too sure if it's one or more fixtures doing the same thing? If it is then it sounds like a control issue.


This is a few weeks old, and I'm curious now if you found a solution...




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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ralphy,


I have replaced the Ballast (huge pain in the backside this is, hey?), also the Control Card and the Ignitor but have not managed to solve it. However, since swapping out the ballast the issue has gotten worse, I can not douse the lamp through Menu-Config-Lamp-Power-Power OFF, despite putting the original ballast back into the fixture, whereas before I could do this.


Sorry, to clarify I don't think this is a control issue, I have used a completely different control system to test it and got the same result.


There are 2 fixtures in the rig doing this, one does it all the time, the other one is intermittent; both are on different lines and all other fixtures on the same line work fine.


Any other ideas? I'm stumped!


Sorry for the slow reply here, I currently don't have regular internet access.




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