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Dropping a cloth

Theatre Nemo

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I'm looking for some suggestions of how to rig a cloth to drop quickly off a scaf bar. It is for a Taiko Drumming performance in a Prison, The first part of the set will be back lit onto the cloth, casting the shadows of the performers, we then want to drop the cloth.


Size will be 4m x 4m


I have very limited experience in rigging so simple answers would be appreciated : )





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I had to drop two drapes, 2mx5m, used a simple lock with a piece of cord attached. I used cord in the drape eyelets and joined to one single piece of cord. The lock was mounted to a block of wood and the cord tucked inside.


Simply pull the cord, lock opens and drape falls. I dunno if it would work for a bigger cloth but did the job for me as ours weren't heavy backdrops/drapes just simple calico on a amatuer level.



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  • 1 month later...

Being stuck in the house with a dose of Shingles following a Chicken-Pox outbreak on the island, I thought I would use the time to update my website with my latest completed project (note the emphasis on completed). This was built in a day at very short notice for a show last month. The new page is here.



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Ah yes, the joys of home made Kabuki drop devices


Mines not perhaps as pretty as yours, but yank on that string loaded rope, and down she comes.



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