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Evening troops


I'm on the hunt for ideas.


A customer has asked for moving clouds to be projected onto their cyc.


In the bad old days, I'd simply have hired a couple of 252s or Cadenzas with the appropriate projector disc.


Is this still the way things are done?


My problems are compounded a bit in that neither of the big two hire shops in Edinburgh have these units in stock.


Digital projectors are not an option and simple gobos have been deemed "not realistic enough".


Any ideas, or can anyone hire me a coupe of effects projector units/discs?



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I'm not sure who the hire shops you speak of are but I've used the Gam FX units for a very nice cloud effect. Supplied by Stage Electrics who I believe have an Edinburgh branch.


Else you could try looking for Rosco/DHA animation discs as I've seen these used to good effect in a number of productions.

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Would the animation wheel in the Robe MMX be suitable ? (it has a built in "Cloud" animation - not sure how suitable it is)


If so, Black Light in Edinburgh have loads of them.


If not, I'd second the Gam FX units (although there is no Stage Electrics branch in Edinburgh) but they will ship them anywhere in the UK. Or possibly the Rosco units, not too sure who would be best for them though

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A lot of companies have given up trying to keep the old EP lanterns running and have switched to a source 4 par with the clear ultranarrow lens with the old vfx unit on the front.

Also means you're running at 575 or 750W rather than 2kW.


I have no idea about the local market in Edinburgh, but I'd have thought that hawthorns, stage or whitelight could sort you out via courier.

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I am sure that someone like The Warehouse would have a couple of VSFX units.

The Warehouse no longer do LX hire...


Thinking you're probably better trying to get someone from down south to send one up if the usual suspects can't help.



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