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Flashing Attribute lights on Avo Pearl...?


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Hi All,


Just something that's been bugging me really (so isn't important for a show or anything)!


On the Avo Pearl (in particular the Tiger running the latest 2010 software), if you press one of the attribute buttons twice when a fixture is selected, the light on the attribute button flashes. Any idea what this is for?


I asked someone from the local hire company out of curiosity and he didn't have a clue - so we had a play around and it doesn't seem to do anything! It doesn't show that you've moved onto the next page of attributes as you can still see the current selection on the screen above the wheels...


Or is this just a bug in the software?

It's not important, but is just something that I'm curious about!



Max J



Edit: EXTREMELY bad grammar! That's why I do A-Level maths... http://www.blue-room.org.uk/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif

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