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LED batten video


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Further to a recent post I ideally want to get ledj powerline 16 or ledj stage bar 16. BUT as one of the uses I want them for is on stage eye candy I want to see a video before Im sold. If anyone has got one or can find a video can you share it with me? Similar units would do (4 led's per cell, 4 cell's per unit). I just need to see at face value and there are no suppliers near me.




Many thanks








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Hi Gordon,


I don't know if you've looked at YouTube? But I came accross a video, I'll attach the link below. It isn't very good quality and doesn't give much away, although I think with abit of YouTube knowhow, you might be able to come accross something a little better.






Also, the fixtures you talk about remind me of these ones here, oh, and these ones.

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Nice one cheers,




I can't find one that shows them being used for the eye candy effect on a stage. Just things like that... Im curious if its that they aren't used for that effect. Having a mind block day otherwise I could visualise it.


They reminded me of them too, only difference are these are still in print and noticably cheaper!




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