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Best Lighting Software???


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Hi, I am putting together a light show for a performance artist.The artist does a spray paint performance to music and in the past usedMegapixle light strips and this year he is adding four Elation Platinum 5Rmoveable heads. Time is a factor due to a short season and I want to be able toprogram the show before we receive the lights later in the summer. What is thebest lighting software that I can accurately sync the lights to a music track?We are on a budget of course.




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What's your audio source?


As jono says you're going to need some sort of timecode signal. If you can get a midi trigger out you could look at a Lanbox LCX.

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www.jandsvista.com - Internal Timecode generator, Timeline based editing system, ability to import MP3 tracks onto the timeline for precision editing/playback. Have a look and let me know if you need any more info.


Best Regards


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We'll sync with winamp time, or use midi to fire events (such as cue list go next, which would be the obvious choice.


As ever worth pointing out most software (ours included) is a free download - you just buy the hardware, though I realise you don't have an infinite amount of time to try all the products on the market.





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Hi, thanks for the responces! I'll take a look at some of that software and my audio source is MP3, all audio is prerecorded and the same tracks will be used. What would be ideal is software that will show the waveform on a timeline and I can make the lighting editing according the the waveform.I also require some form of a 3D preview
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