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Power Supply needed Zero 88 desk


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Hello there people,


I have a Lightmaster 1200 zero 88 desk which when pluged into the dimmers does not self power due to im guessing over 100 meters of cable between dimmers and desk , and I cant plug into mains as the cable has been chopped and no one knows what happaned the supply it states on the desk "20V 200MA" and I got bit of cable left sticking out with Brown and Blue cables , now I know I just cant put a plug on it as prob go bang! have looked around for a asupply but had no luck any help be greatfull


this is what desk it is




Many thanks



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Hi Martyn

There is a rather brief manual here. According to this, you certainly shouldn't go plugging those brown and blue wires into the mains - they are for a low voltage supply. It is possible that they are protected against reverse polarity and likely that brown is positive, blue negative. You need 20V(ish) DC. If you have a power supply where you can limit the current, you could approach 20V carefully, keeping an eye on what happened. Zero88 gear of this vintage is easy to repair if anything goes wrong - I have owned and repaired a Level 12, a Sirius 24 and an XLS.


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I would echo smiffy's advice, call Keith at Zero 88 and get a spare power supply from them.


It would be possible to bodge something else up, but it would also be possible to kill the desk if you don't know what you are doing, so spending a few quid on the right thing looks like the best idea to me.

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From a quick look at the circuit diagrams - a 20v DC supply that can give about 1A should be ok. The 20v is reg'd down to 15v by the looks of it using a 1A voltage reg but there is no rectification happening so it does need to be a DC supply.
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