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Hi all,


Got a gig in a few weeks where I'll be running 8 flex over 8 218's a side.

The venue is outdoors, the main area to cover is approx 20m wide at the front going out to approx 30m at the back, over a distance from the stage of about 30m.

The hangs will be approx 12m appart (there will also be appropriate fills to cover the center v)


The program will be fairly standard MOTR festival fair at not punishing levels.


My question is, how best to place the subs. The only times I've used 718's or 218's there have been a max of 4 a side, so we've just stacked 'em up 4 high (on their longer sides). However on uneven ground without access to appropriate plant etc, any more than 4 high is out of the question.


Do people favour 2 stacks a side (in which case, what sort of distance / angle should you try to achieve between the stacks) or do they go with using them on end and lining them up?

Or is there another preffered configuration?


Any ideas or advice welcome,


Many thanks in advance,



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Can you place any infront of the stage itself? How many channels of processing and amplification do you have for them?


Have a look for the ev application note for sub arrays. An optimum config of subs (arguably) is to line them up evenly over the width of the stage and delay them appropriately.



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Hi Joah and thanks for the reply,


I can have as much space down of the stage as I need (within reason) so I can line them along the front of the stage.

DSP / Amps - I have sufficient to run 2 seperate sub feeds each side, I could bump that up to four a side by addind another LMS and repatching the odd rack if needed.


Re the EV doc; I'll have a look, but I'm wondering if the potential advantages of very even placement as you suggest out weigh the advantages of height from stacking and, also the potential benefit from horn coupling associated with stacking.


Thanks again,



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