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As Tom says - I believe Barco ( who purchased Folsom a few years back) OEM the kit badged as FSR for them, so to all intents it is Barco kit.


Our SPII's are pretty much bullet proof. Love them to bits and highly recommend them.

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Thanks for the info Tom.:)


FSR Indy is the same as a Folsom (Barco) Image Pro.

The same as in it is the same.


Like a Christie LX700 is the same as a Sanyo XP200.


Thank you Pete...I too luv the Barco SPII...Was just curious when I saw the images of the Eagle 200 and all. What about the pricing??do u have any idea?



As Tom says - I believe Barco ( who purchased Folsom a few years back) OEM the kit badged as FSR for them, so to all intents it is Barco kit.


Our SPII's are pretty much bullet proof. Love them to bits and highly recommend them.

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