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New stage floor

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Hi all


Work at a medium sized theatre in North London and need a new stage laid.

Will need the existing underfloor sanded and finished before laying a hardboard layer.

Does anyone know of a company who do this specifically? Been looking into shop Fitters but was just trying to narrow down my search.


Many Thanks

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Hi and welcome to the BR.


There have been discussions on stage flooring (including hardboard vs MDF etc) here in the past - have a search around and see what you can find.


I'm curious though - is there a reason why the underfloor needs sanding? Is it that uneven that a top layer of board will be unstable/lumpy?




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It would not surprise me if the underfloor has been trashed and needs cleaning up and then covering to protect ( that is why my floor is covered)


I am back in work soon and I have a number of a company who will sand and seal it but for my 12x9m floor it was about £2k maybe £3 now. Sprung dance floor / sports hall people would be the best bet.

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Yea basically floor is half wood and half concrete so it just needs generations of paint and cr*p removing before laying of nice new hardboard floor.

Will take a look into sports hall people I just think that those types of companies will only do a very expensive wooden parquet type.

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