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Linden Jago

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Hi I am helping the props department for our college production of fame at the end of next month. Anyone know were I can get hold of a trumpet and a violin and any other Fame props, either to buy/rent/borrow?


College music department unable to help due to the fact they dont really want a load of actors dropping and breaking a couple of £1000 instruments they cant afford to replace

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This may be a bit off the wall, but does the college not have a music department??

If not, maybe try one of the local schools, or maybe another nearby college...


EDIT - a quick browse of lincoln College's web pages and yes, they DO have music on the curriculum - and at the newark site they even have violin MAKING courses.....

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Linden, welcome to the forum. It's generally considered quite bad form to edit your original post once it's been replied to. Much better to put a new post in the thread with clarifications/corrections. :)


I can't think of many ways to get a realistic trumpet and violin, apart from having real ones to be honest - a violin might be able to be reproduced, but a trumpet would be a hard ask for a props maker.



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I don't know if it would be a bit out of your way but I did a show at Malton School in North Yorkshire a year back. Their Music Department had a few "dead" instruments. Giving them a ring may be of use to you.


Jessica Kettlewell is the person you want to speak to.

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If they are just props than local (well 50 mile radius) junk shops and charity shops may offer an answer for say £50 or so, but no-one will want to lens or hire stuff if there is a risk of it's loss or damage, a good trumpet or violin is worth thousands.


Maybe a schools music supplier could help with economy instruments but not FOC!

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