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Adobe Audition CS5.5


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Hi all


I've been trying to use Audition CS5.5 for PC and its just so unstable its unusable. And I wondered if anyone here has any experience of this software on Windows 7.


Here what's been tried and the results.


On Lenovo laptop (new PC 8Gb RAM) Windows 7 64bit - crashes regularly and randomly

On Desktop PC (same OS, 4Gb RAM) same result

On my wife's Macbook Air - No problems whatsoever.


The DAC is a Roland AU-101 (Edirol)


We're trying to do some recording and its driving us insane the amount of time we're wasting.


Unfortunately its not practical to use the wife's Mac instead of the 2 PCs or I would!!!


Any suggestions or is Audition just rubbish on the PC?


Regards all.



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It does look like a driver issue although it will work for a while and then crash multiple times and that would be where I'd put my money. Everything to do with the soundcard interface loads up as Audition loads so if there is a driver issue that would make sense even though it'll crash even if you've only applied an effect to a wav.


Unfortunately there is only one driver for the AU-101 and that is version (which doesn't inspire confidence in itself). When Audition crashes it takes the soundcard (interface) out with it and a hard reset is the only way back.


The guy who actually owns the equipment swears it was reliable up until very recently and that he hasn't done anything, it just suddenly started crashing. Coming from an IT background, this doesn't gel at all especially on his 2 PCs. He's trying to blame the Roland but it works fine with the Mac so that doesn't make sense. He is not technical at all and can't get his head round my suggestion that it could be a driver issue. The bad news of course is that there isn't another driver for the AU-101 so we're high and dry with a system that doesn't work.


Not good :-((

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I'm a denizen of the Audition User forums and, 99% of the time when somebody reports a crashing problem, it IS driver related.


A couple of the things you can try:


First, if the third party driver you have is ASIO, try switching to the generic MME driver. This might cause latency issues in the long term but it could be a way to see if changing the driver clears up the issue.


In the longer term, you could try downloading Asio4All which is basically a wrapper to use the generic drivers but fool Audition into thinking it's ASIO. A good many people use Asio4All successfully.


If, against the odds, it doesn't turn out to be a driver issue, the other area that can sometimes cause issues is VST plugins. A lot of software writers don't adhere strictly to the VST format and there have been cases were a single plug in can cause crash issues across the board. I'm afraid it a question of laboriously removing plugins one at a time (you can just move them to a different folder that Audition isn't looking in) so try the driver-based things first.

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Hi and thanks for all the suggestions.


I do recall that he did at one point use the ASIO4All wrapper. Mid last week, the laptop crashed so badly that it had to be rebuilt from scratch (which is where we are now), so I know there are no plugins installed at present.


It does appear to be more stable using the MME driver so I shall suggest installing ASIO4All and see if this resolves (or helps) the issue.


Thanks once again.

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One other thought...it might be worth taking this to the Audition User forums on the Adobe site.


THIS THREAD gives some instructions on how to get a crash dump and submit it to Adobe. In theory, the forums are meant to be "user to user" and you pay for Adobe support...but there are a couple of good eggs among the Audition developers (Durin and CharlesVW being their online names) and they do their best to help people out. If you can't sort it soon, I'd try reporting it to them.


Edited to add...you may have to create an Adobe log in to follow that link...but it's worth having for Audition users anyway.

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On the audio system I use most, I do have audition, but it isn't my favourite. Cubase on that machine will fall over if I try to use ASIO drivers as Bobbsy reports. I also find ASIO4all works ok - but is to high latency wise for multitrack use. Audition, though, when I do use it on that machine seems stable with any of the three choices I have for drivers.


On the video machine Audition seems ok

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I didn't notice any latency issues on either of the Macs I used it on. We smashed away all day at it on the Macbook Air and it was perfectly stable. It was on the Microsoft platforms that it played around.


<Engage Mac user mode>


But then as a Mac user I'd expect stability on a Mac platform and problems on a PC.


</Engage Mac user mode>


** laughs out loud **

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Dunno. Over on the Audition Users forum we're getting as many issues from Mac users as PC since they went dual platform--and we can't help them much since (for obvious reasons) most of us long term posters are PC people.


I've come to dread the phrase "it uses core audio" though. Whatever that is, I'm sure it's the spawn of the devil!

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