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Drama Queen

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Hii,, Any suggestions on the most popular plays done in high schools (something the teens would enjoy doing) that are NOT musicals.

Cast Number: 15-20

Our Day Out by Willy Russell



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I've been itching to ask - but why isn't your teacher doing this? we rarely have students organising their own education - maybe Jordan is a bit odd. I did speak to the old King, a few years ago and he seemed very pleasant. I didn't know who he was, and he asked what I did. I then ..... asked him what he did, and he said "er, I'm a King". How stupid was I?



Do you have a male/female balance? If you have mainly girs, Daisy Pulls it Off is an excellent play for young people.

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Well DQ, you mention "High School" so will presume, rightly or wrongly, you are in an American "supervised" type school, for recognised syllabus/exam stuff etc.


From what you say, something along the lines of "Glee" is out. So, seeing as you are undoubtedly itching to push back the boundaries, why not try a drama which might just raise a few eyebrows, depending on the ethos of your particular educational "establishment". To wit, "After Darwin":




Or, if that is too risque, then you might try "Withnail and I" with all the facets of human nature combined therein. My son did this a few years back, then 16, in the role of Uncle Monty, complete with pink dressing gown "borrowed" from his mother:




Bound to get you expelled or generate a strong letter of protest to your parents ref visits to a school counselor. Sounds like a win:win situation to me.


Or, I have just finished touring "Travels with My Aunt", in the Brechtian manner. Which means, to save you doing the google thing, very plain sets, ditto lighting, ditto costumes. It would mean a bit of re-staging in that we had 4 actors playing 22 parts so every one of your lot could have a part and not have to learn the entire play. This one certainly would raise a few eyebrows ref Aunt Augusta and Wordsworth, not to mention Tooley's (the girl on the Orient Express) views on life...




That one would likely get you deported...



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Ah, well, now, w/robe...see here:




At least two of the schools have an American connection.


You may be fascinated to know that Uncle Sam contrives to have schools and Unis all over the planet, especially in his sphere of interest...a sort of hearts and minds thing and no doubt talent spotting...


Plus, as I understand the matter, US citizens working abroad, or rather their children, have the "right" to be educated in an American educational system, after all they may return to work in the US.


We even have them in this country and not just American schools. (Google is your friend if you can be arsed.)


I daresay DQ and chums are digesting all the suggestions and are, now, wondering just how outré they can get away with.


And TA would, definitely, be pushing the envelope, ** laughs out loud **. I can hear the google search engine, Jordanian version, from here.

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I think the American Schools abroad tend to be used by ex-pats. I know my niece and nephew have been to them, even though they are English, when their Dad was working abroad. I don't know how much they are connected to the US Government or if they are independant and just sit the US exams but they are definitely fee paying.
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'Bouncers and Shakers', that's a laugh though it is only written for a cast of about 8!


I was the noise boy for my schools performance of 'The Exam', that was also good but I can't for the life of me remember what the cast size is!

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Pick a Shakespeare play for example Midsummer Night's Dream, get a simple set design and get the English department to study the play and sonnets too. As they should be out of copyright you should have no royalties and licence terms to worry about. Some people dress them in period clothes others dress them in modern dress -your choice.


For an "out of Rights/Royalties" musical look at the Gilbert and Sullivan operettas. They do need some good actors with singing voices, but always have "brothers and sisters and cousins and Aunts" as chorus so a variable chorus can work well. Whether the satire and humour will translate into Middle Eastern American English for youngsters who knows. G&S was the Private Eye of it's day.

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Arsenic and Old Lace is a good one - I had a ball working on a production of it a few years ago.


OOOH I did that a few years back, and was great fun.


We are doing Midsummer nights dream with 15 at the moment.


Not sure if anyone has asked but what ages are you looking at?

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